Sunday afternoon. It’s already been a full day.
I woke up feeling slammed, prayed desperately for strength and patience, attended two church services, met new people, sang about Jesus with hundreds of other believers, had many joyful and encouraging conversations, had a couple heavy conversations, listened to my husband preach about the worth of Jesus, made chicken tortilla soup for lunch, and found out my Grandpa passed away.
One of these is not like the other.
I made a goal to write and publish every day during the month of November, but then days like today happen and—what can I say? I have so many thoughts in my head; I don’t even know everything I’m thinking.
There’s a phrase that always stands out to me from the song “Be Thou My Vision“:
“Thou my best thought
by day or by night.”
Out of all the thoughts I think today, Jesus is the best. No wonder Isaiah talks about the peace God gives when we fix our minds on him:
“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you.”
Isaiah 26:3
I am capable of all sorts of anxiety-producing thoughts when I think about the problems in and around me. But when I focus my mind on Christ and think about his worth, his power, and his good control over all things, he gives peace to my heart. He is my best thought.
What are you thinking about today? What thoughts are filling you with anxiety and stealing your peace?
Give your troubles to the Lord and meditate on his faithfulness.
He is committed to you.
He will never leave or forsake you.
Truly he is your best thought.